My Time with Steve as a school boy ,sailor ,father and grandfather

Created by David 4 months ago

Steve and I first met at Tollington Park School at the age of 11, so think I can say that other than his brother Geoff ,I have known Steve the longest  ! We did loose contact when Steve was in the Navy for some years , But when we met again the years fell away and it was just as if we had never been apart.We went back to the places we spent our youth the school , the site of Edwards Dairy in Windsor Road (Long Gone!) where we delivered milk before we went to school and weekends (yes in those days it was a 7 day a week service) One of our many customers that,s still around was the Department Store Selbys in Holloway Road .We took the milk by carrier bike (a crate of 1/4 gallon bottles!)  rung the side door bell and the live in canteen manager would let us in and we had to carry the milk up a number of flights of stairs Upon reaching the canteen she gave us a couple of "Bandit"chocolate  biscuits . After Steve left to join the Navy I would post mine to him . He told me later how much this meant to him,